One Year

It has been one year since I officially joined A8C. Before applying to the company, I had expected a lot but the two biggest points are: learning from the global scale system and traveling opportunities (around the world). In fact, I’ve had much more than what I expected.


The company has its own network for discussing, exchanging knowledge, and making decision. Let’s think it’s the combination of Quora, Wikipedia, and Confluence (a product of Atlassian). It’s transparent and open to everyone in the company. This means a lot to me. I can know how the global scale system works, learn from other people’s thoughts, see how a specific team operates, and how each decision is made. A fun fact: every new hire needs to learn how to absorb a lot of internal information. It took me at least two months to have the best approach.


Well, a lot. In just one year, I had some business trips to Korea, France, Nepal, and… in my country. Due to the visa issue, last year, I could not visit the annual company conference, which we call Grand Meetup and other companies may call it “retreat” or “team building”. But the visa thing is much better this year. Let’s count more.

Diversity and Inclusion

Yeah, we have people from many countries around the globe. But it’s more interesting to see my co-workers coming from a lot of other backgrounds rather than just technology: psychology, biology, linguistics, education, etc. The company takes the serious actions for this and sees it an important part to grow as WordPress has 30% web market share on the Internet.


The company takes responsibility in protecting users’ privacy and security, and thinking forward about sustainability. I am glad and proud of that the company does all of these. It’s even more interesting to have the internal insights and see how they have been really done.


The company has a wide range of feedback forms: self-feedback, anonymous feedback, team feedback, regular feedback, etc. I can see they’re useful to improve ourselves at all levels: individual, team, and the whole company.

What’s next

Not much to say. Currently, I am happy in the company as I can keep learning and growing. Thanks for the chance of working with amazing people 🙂

P/s: Featured image credit: Yoav Farhi.

7 thoughts on “One Year

  1. I’m SO GLAD you joined JPOP, Dat. I can’t think of my morning workflow without your wise advices and suggestions. You’re definitely a great asset for us, and I feel privileged to work with you. Happy anniversary my friend, and I’ll see you soon in FL! 🙂

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